The focus of this Blog is my opinion and observations about the Cleveland Browns and University of Florida Gators performance, the NFL, SEC and sports in general. Sports history and current sports operations including political and social impact on society. Reader's of my book "They Call It A Game" tell me, without exception that it changed their thinking about the NFL and is as relevent today as ever. Saying they enjoyed reading it is a great bonus.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

The New NFLPA-League Labor Contract

Peace is almost always good.

From the perspective of an NFL retiree the most interesting part of the new 2006 labor contract is how it affects our Pension and Benefits plan. Having played when helmet to helmet collisions were common on almost every play, when crack back and chop blocks, forearm blows to the face and head, small one and two bar plastic face masks, and it was gutless to run out of bounds when one could get an extra yard with a head on collision, clothes lining wasn’t a penalty, head slaps, climbing the pile of humanity with nylon/steel tipped cleats to block kicks, and a time when quarterbacks were fair game like everyone else and the fans loved it; making me feel some what possessive about the game. We who played the game as it was then, loved it as well but suffered the physical consequences of the game as we shaped it.

The fans loved it, Jim Brown, Paul Warfield, Gary Collins, Leroy Kelly, Mike Ditka, Chuck Bednarick, Ernie Stauntner, Tommy McDonald, YA Title, Johnny Unitas, and the rest of us played in front of 80,000 fans, packed houses in Cleveland Municipal Stadium and Yankee Stadium, Lambeau and Soldier Fields, we built the NFL from that point in NFL history and it is our shoulders the NFL stands on today. TV discovered us, the NFL and began paying the first big bucks in 1964 and it has been up up up from then until now.

In comparison today’s game seems like a track meet compared to the game we played. Today is “don’t touch the quarterback, slide down to keep from getting hit” and “run out of bounds if it looks like you are going to get hit near the sideline,” the line men push and shove and hold like an almost brawl that never quite breaks out. The sound tracks from a game in the 60’s and one from 2005 are like listening to two totally different sports.

The first mention of Player Benefits that I can find following the approval of this new 2006 labor contract last week, comes from a small blurb in a USA Today’s summary "Labor Deal at a glance." under the last item "Other: Player benefits will be substantially improved, including expanded post-career medical coverage. There will be continued support from the union for stadium construction, youth football, NFL Europe and other initiatives." The details of these items of interest will be published here as soon as I receive them.

I located this information on the Internet and haven't heard from Brigg Owen the Pres of our NFLPA for Retired Players from my inquiry for information about the Pension & Benefit Plan made on behalf of our 64WorldChamps LLC last week. I'll print the news here when I get it.